First Day of School

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Don't Know Much About the Presidents

Did you know that James Buchanan was the only president to never get married? Or that Rutherford B. Hayes had the first telephone installed in the White House? Did you know his phone number was 1?! Well I didn't until I read this book. It is a densely packed picture book full of all the things you could ever want to know (and some stuff no one needs to know) about all forty-four of the U.S. Presidents. This book is definitely not a read aloud to read cover to cover, but would be fun to pull out in class when you have a couple of minutes to kill. Each entry has the presidents cartoon picture, his number in line, the years he served, a quote, and several little know facts. Each president also has a timeline which covers a few of the significant events during their term. I really like this book, and although I would not recommend students to use this as a resource for a biography project, it might help them make an interesting opening sentence to one!

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